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Common Waters Degasser Error Messages: Degasser high leak rate, vacuum h/w fault, Degasser reported H/W Fault

ALLIANCE, ACQUITY UPLC H-Class QSM, ACQUITY UPLC BSM, nanoACQUITY UPLC, ACQUITY UPLC Binary Solvent Manager (BSM), ACQUITY H-Class Quaternary Solvent Manager (QSM), ACQUITY I-Class Binary Solvent Manager HPLC Degasser Modules and Trays

  Waters Alliance and Acquity Inline Degasser Vacuum ERRORS and Troubleshooting Tips:

"Degasser hardware fault" error on your Waters brand HPLC system? High RPM warning or vacuum pressure over 0.9 psi? Do you hear a loud knocking sound or whine coming from the degasser pump? These errors often indicate that your degasser vacuum pump is worn out ,you have vacuum leaks in the tubing and/or damaged degassing chambers. However, before you send in your degasser module to us for diagnostic testing or service, please be sure you review and address the following possible causes of errors. BEFORE REPLACING PARTS OR SENDING THE DEGASSER OUT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, PLEASE CHECK THESE BASIC THINGS FIRST.

  1. Perform the Inline Degasser Test using the Waters Service Menu. The test takes ~ 15 minutes to run and is accessible under the instrument Service window. To run the "Inline Degasser Ramp and Decay Test" (or other degasser tests), select "Degasser" from the 'Other Diagnostics' screen, then press OK. The Degasser Test screen will appear. Follow the on screen instructions. This is a Pass/Fail test.
  2. When was the last time your HPLC degasser was professionally serviced and refurbished? If it has been more than five (5) years, then it is due for diagnostic testing and service. Some of the parts used in the degasser have a mean lifetime of only 5 years (under ideal conditions) and as the parts wear, they may introduce degradation products from the internal wear directly back into your mobile phase resulting in ghost peaks, poor HPLC performance and other issues. Diagnostic testing is very inexpensive and allows Chiralizer Services to quickly identify which parts require cleaning, service or replacement so you only pay for what needs to be fixed (other vendors charge you to replace the entire module!).

Waters Degasser Professional Repair Services Available :

We provide repair services for many of the Waters brand HPLC degasser modules including the Waters Inline Degasser-AF and the integrated degassers found in the Waters Alliance 2690, 2695, 2790, 2795, 1525, Acquity BSM, QSM, UPLC and nano Acquity. Replacement Waters P/N 700001352 vacuum pumps and vacuum chambers are also available at greatly reduced prices over Waters retail prices.

When you send your Waters brand degassing module to Chiralizer Services, we will correctly determine which parts of your degasser are defective and send you a formal quotation to replace them and test the system. We do charge a nominal diagnostic fee to evaluate and test your degasser, but you retain control over the decision to have it repaired or not. To arrange to have Chiralizer Services professionally test your Waters Alliance / Acquity HPLC degasser (or any other brand/model), please give us a call or send us an email to discuss your needs and we can forward you shipping return instructions. For the fastest response, please include your complete contact information (company name, street address, phone etc), the make, model and SERIAL NUMBER of the degasser (or HPLC system it came out of) so we can send you a Diagnostic Testing Quote.

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We provide professional diagnostic and repair services for Waters, Shimadzu, HP, Agilent, Thermo, Dionex and many other brands of HPLC DEGASSER modules. Please contact us with your detailed contact information and the degasser model AND serial number for more information. Chiralizer™ Services, LLC,   USA

Email:  Sales@CHIRALIZER.com     or     Sales@HPLCTOOLS.com

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